Detailed Command Reference
Advanced Script Examples
Remote Desktop / Windows Credential Dialog /***************** * Remote desktop script (mstsc.exe, not windows 10 one) * * The Enc1 field on the user's bookmark contains the target server name:port * The users need to be told to fill this in. **** * ...
Introductory Script Example
This section describes a sample Windows application and shows how the My1Login desktop scripting language may be used to interact with it. This example is contrived, but it covers the features used by the majority of scripts. Sample Application ...
App Control Commands
App control commands are commands that emulate user interaction with a desktop application. I.e. they select controls, press buttons, type text or click the mouse. LeftClick Performs a mouse left click at the provided co-ordinates. The mouse cursor ...
Injecting Text Into Controls
The commands in this section are responsible for assisting the user to select credentials for an app, emulate the user typing into the app and for injecting text into the controls of a window. SelectBookmark Instructs the Desktop Agent to find the ...
Main Window Commands
Main window commands are responsible for interacting with the primary window of an application, or the application itself rather than the current child window. BringToForeground The BringToForeground command is used to bring the main application into ...
Child Windows
Child Windows Child window commands are responsible for triggering behaviour when a dialog (child window) of the monitored process opens. WhenWindow Waits until a window (dialog box) child of the target app, whose caption matches the parameter value ...
Process Management
Process Management Process Start and Identification The StartProcess and WaitProcess commands ensure that the script interacts with the correct windows app before running the main body of the script. The LaunchUrl command allows integration with web ...
Error Directive, Alerting & Logging Commands
OnError Controls the processing of a script in the event of a runtime error. Multiple OnError commands may be used to control behaviour at different points in the script. Syntax Diagram Parameters Terminate - stop script execution Continue - continue ...