Installing the Active Directory Connector
Checking your .NET version
In order to check what version of .NET Framework is running on a machine, run the following in a PowerShell window: Get-ChildItem ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP’ -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name version -EA 0 | Where { ...
How to configure My1Login ADC to work with an Authentication Proxy
An authentication Proxy blocks requests for content unless the user provides a valid permission set of credentials to the proxy. In an AD environment, this is done using Kerberos against the domain controllers. The diagram below is an example of the ...
Load Balancing Multiple Active Directory Connectors
Load balancers distributes traffic across multiple servers and ADCs. The purpose is to provide a balanced service across its pool of servers and increasing resiliency. My1Login ADCs can be installed across multiple domain controllers in this pool of ...
SSL Certificates - Windows Certificate Service
To allow a seamless SSO experience (via a hidden SAML login to My1Login) it is necessary for the ADC to have an HTTPS binding on its internal endpoint. This is because the SAML login to My1Login must communicate with the ADC from the user’s browser ...
Getting Ready to Install the ADC
The ADC reads some of its configuration details from the Active Directory configuration settings on your My1Login web account. This configuration needs to be setup prior to installing the ADC. 1.1 Defining AD Objects to be Synchronised The ADC may be ...
ADC Installation Requirements
Download our handy ADC checklist at the bottom of this page! The ADC is installed on a server within your network, it is not necessary, or recommended, for this server to be the domain controller. When supporting seamless SSO the ADC acts as a local, ...