Your My1Login Account Settings

Your My1Login Account Settings

Changing your passphrase 

If you are a Web User and would like to change your My1Login passphrase:
  1. Select your username in the top-right corner of the Vault page
  2. Select "Profile" 
  3. Change Passphrase and Save Changes

Installing the My1Login extension

The My1Login extension allows you to launch applications from your vault and seamlessly authenticate with the target app. Typically these will be deployed centrally and there will be no need for the user to do anything. However, there are some scenarios where you may be asked to install the plugin locally. These permissions are set by your My1Login admin. 
  1. Log in to your account through your URL ending in
  2. Once your vault page has loaded in the top right corner of your browser window you will see a link called “Install Plugin”, click on this link and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Once this is done, close the tabs that were opened during the installation and refresh your vault page.
Your excluded sites are those that you have asked My1Login to never remember the password for. The sites listed here are specific to your account and are separate from those that are set at an organisational level. 
  1. Select your username in the top-right corner of the Vault page
  2. Select "Profile" 
  3. View/Add Excluded Sites

View your version number

You may be asked to share your version number as part of troubleshooting if there is an issue with your My1Login experience. To obtain these details:
  1. Select your username in the top-right corner of the Vault page
  2. Select "About" 
  3. View My1Login Web Application Version Number

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