String (Text) Literals

String (Text) Literals

Literal strings are text that you wish to pass straight through to a command, i.e. the text is not interpreted in any way.

Types of Strings

Strings may either be literal (fully defined in the script) or may come from values stored in bookmark attributes. Both are treated the same way, except that bookmark attributes are not enclosed in quotes.

String Syntax

Strings are enclosed in double quotes (“).

To use the double quote within a string use it twice (“”).

Strings (including bookmark data) are automatically concatenated. E.g. "A" "B" is output as "AB".



"Hello World" is output as Hello World

Embedded quotes:

"Hello ""World""" is output as Hello "World"


"String1" ":" "String2" is output as String1:String2

Integration with bookmark attributes

If the bmUsername attribute is JackJones then

"Username is " bmUsername becomes Username is JackJones

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