Permission sets are a feature which allows Admins and SDA users to create pre-defined sets of permissions which can easily be applied to workgroup and user shares.
Workgroups can have their own defined permissions set by an admin. Shares to workgroups will automatically have the permissions set for the workgroup, and can only be changed by Admin or SDA users.
Creating, Updating and Deleting Permission Sets
A new permission set screen is available in the admin interface via Users → Sharing Permissions.
Service Desk Admins and Admins can view this screen.
Permissions of each set can be viewed by expanding the “Permissions” field.
“Sharing Permissions” screen
Permission details can be viewed by expanding/collapsing the Permissions field
The “Default” Permission Sets
Every account has a Default permission set which cannot be deleted.
This permission set is automatically applied to users in workgroups and is the default permissions for every share.
The permission set can be edited by clicking the pencil icon on the Sharing Permissions screen. Any changes to the Default permission set will not retroactively affect previous shares.
Default permission set may be edited by clicking the pencil icon. The Default set cannot be deleted.
Editing the Default set
Custom Permission Sets
New permission sets can be created by clicking the “Add Permission Set” button. A modal will appear prepopulated with the Default permission set permissions. The user can toggle any permission on or off.
The permission set must be given a name. The Name field may not contain special characters, be longer than 30 characters or be blank.
After clicking Submit, the permission set will appear in the list and can be applied to shares.
Add new permission set button
Add new permission set modal
The permission set can be edited by clicking the pencil icon on the Sharing Permissions screen. Any changes to the updated permission set will not retroactively affect previous shares.
The permission set can be deleted by clicking the cross icon on the Sharing Permissions screen. Deleting the updated permission set will not retroactively affect previous shares.
Delete permission set button
Delete set confirmation modalset confirmation modal
Workgroup Permissions
New Handling of Workgroup Permissions
Previously, users belonging to a workgroup could have individual permissions within that workgroup. If a bookmark was shared to a workgroup allowing password update, for example, but a user in the workgroup did not have the update password permission in that workgroup, then that single user would not be able to update the password. Now, workgroup permissions are blanket across all users in the group - individual user permissions within the workgroup cannot be changed.
Every workgroup has the account’s default permission set applied by default. The workgroup can be updated by an admin to have different permissions.
Updating Workgroup Permissions
Workgroup permissions can be updated by selecting a workgroup from the sidebar and clicking the “Edit” tab. By clicking the “Edit workgroup permissions” button, a modal will appear where each permission can be toggled on or off. Users will also have the option to save their choice as a new permission set. If the current workgroup permissions are mixed, then a warning will appear, informing the user that the change made will update permissions for all users and cannot be undone.
Edit Group Permissions modal
Updating group permissions with “Mixed” permissions
Applying Permission Sets
Sharing as a Non-Admin User
Sharing to users
The share permissions for sharing to a workgroup are the permissions already set for a workgroup by an admin. Users are not be allowed to edit these permissions for the share. Sharing to the workgroup strictly follows the permissions set by the admin.
Sharing to workgroups
Users can able to choose from permission sets when sharing to individuals.
Sharing as an Admin/SDA User
Sharing to users
SDAs/Admins are able to choose from permission sets when sharing to individuals.
Applying permission sets when sharing to users.
Sharing to workgroups
The share permissions for sharing to a workgroup are the permissions already set for a workgroup by an admin. SDAs/Admins are allowed to configure permissions for the share, either by manually editing the permissions or by applying a permission set to the share. When manually editing permissions, the SDA/admin also have the option to save their selected permissions as a new permission set for future use.
Applying permission sets when sharing to workgroups.
Admins/SDAs have the option to save manually applied permissions as a new permission set, for future use.