The Notifications page shows all applications not yet assigned to the inclusion/exclusion lists that have been accessed by users. You can use this list to make quick decisions on whether or not you would like to add the application to the inclusion or exclusion lists. You can use the list to help support Shadow It detection.

If your Notification Page is not populating with applications, check that 'App Discovery' is enabled on your settings page.
Notification Page
You can find the notification page by navigating to "Notifications" on the top menu bar.
Filter by Date
Use the date filters to see applications accessed within a specific date range.
View Users
Select the 'View Users' button to see which users have accessed the selected application and when.
- Move to Inclusion List: My1Login will store the credentials for all users who access this application in future.
- Move to Exclusion List: My1Login will never store or offer to store the credentials for this application. Any stored credentials associated with this application will be removed from user vaults.
- Ignore: The application will be removed from the Notification list until the next time it is accessed by a user.