My1Login Migration Tool

My1Login Migration Tool

The migration tool allows admins to map users' bookmarks to users in a different My1Login account, within an account to a child account, or from users who are AD joined to users who are Entra joined. 

The migration tool allow admins to create migration keys and carry out the bookmark transfer process in bulk by uploading a CSV file. The bookmarks are copied rather than completely transferred so a copy will remain in the original account until deleted. 
For simplicity, in the example below we will call the original account containing bookmarks Account A, and the second account that bookmarks are to be copied to Account B. 
My1Login will guide you through the migration process. The below gives you the information you need to know what to expect. 

Enabling the Migration Tool

In order to start a migration, My1Login will need to activate this on your account(s). Please contact your CSM or to make this request. 

Migration Keys


A migration key is generated by one account to be shared to a second account. This grants the second account permission to copy bookmarks to the original account.

Migration keys are only needed to migrate bookmarks to a different account. If a user plans to migrate bookmarks in bulk to users in the same account, the entire migration key section can be skipped.

Generating Key

Logged in as the admin of Account B, click Migration Tool → Generate Migration Keys.

On the Generate Migration Keys screen, click the Generate Migration Key button.

Enter the Account Identifier of Account A. This can be found by logging into the admin dashboard of Account A, then clicking Security → API Key Management.

Confirm that the account is correct by selecting the account from the dropdown below the text box, and select how long the key is valid for.

Click generate and the key should appear in the list. The key value should be available to copy or view.

Enter Generated Key on Second Account

Logged in as the admin of Account A, click Migration Tool → Managed Received Keys, and click the Enter Migration Key button.

Enter the generated key and click Submit.

The key will now be activated and will show in the list.

This now allows Account A to select Account B when migrating bookmarks, either via the bulk migration tool or via the Transfer Bookmarks screen within the User Management menu.

Account B now appears in list of valid accounts on Transfer Bookmarks screen

Bulk CSV Upload

Download CSV Template with user list

Logged in as the admin of Account A, click Migration Tool → Bulk Migration Tool

Click “Download CSV Template” to download a template CSV containing usernames and user types.

Fill in the CSV:

When uploading, the web application will limit the migration to 500 users at most, if you plan to migrate more than 500 users you will need to separate the users into extra copies of the template.
  • In the receiving_username and receiving_user_type fields, fill on the respective user to migrate bookmarks to.

  • in the remaining columns, fill in “yes” or “no” to indicate which types of bookmarks should be migrated

  • if the all_applications column is marked “yes”, then the remaining columns are disregarded,as the user has indicated that all applications should be migrated regardless of their type.

The format of the template CSV
The populated CSV template, now ready for upload

Upload CSV

Logged in as the admin of Account A, click Migration Tool → Bulk Migration Tool

Select Account B from the dropdown and upload the CSV file. Click Upload.

CSV Validation

The CSV will then be validated. If any errors are found, then the migration will not be able to proceed.

Possible errors include:

  • user not found

  • random text entered into the bookmark type fields (should be “yes/no”, “y/n”, “t/f” or “true/false”)

  • unknown user type specified (should be “Web”, “AD” or “Entra”)

Rows containing errors will be shown by default. To see successfully validated rows as well, click the “Show All” button.

An example of a validation error
The “Show All” box can be checked to show validated rows with no errors

Once all rows have been successfully validated with no errors, click Proceed.

Follow Migration Progress

Logged in as the admin of Account A, click Migration Tool → Migration Progress

A list of migration tool jobs will be displayed, along with their status. This screen can be used to follow migration progress.

Migration job progress can be viewed from the Migration Progress screen

Once a job has succeeded for a user, the bookmarks should appear in their vault.

Each migration job represents a single user migration, and each job has a max limit of 200 bookmarks. If a migration is attempting to migrate more than 200 bookmarks, then the bookmarks will be split into several jobs. For example, if a user has 530 bookmarks to be migrated, then three jobs will be created, each containing 200, 200, and 130 bookmarks respectively.

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