Error Directive, Alerting & Logging Commands

Error Directive, Alerting & Logging Commands


Controls the processing of a script in the event of a runtime error.

Multiple OnError commands may be used to control behaviour at different points in the script.

Syntax Diagram


  • Terminate - stop script execution

  • Continue - continue script execution after error

  • AlertUser - Inform the user of the error


OnError Terminate AlertUser

AlertInfo / AlertError

Displays a message box to the user in the notification panel.

  • AlertInfo shows an information icon in the notification.

  • AlertError shows an error icon in the notification.

Syntax Diagram


alertMessage (Mandatory)

The body of the message.

alertCaption (Optional)

A caption above the message body.


AlertInfo "Username is " bmUsername, bmTitle

If bmUsername is “ksmith” and bmTitle is “Acme CMS” then, on Windows 7, this will show


Windows 10 messages are similar, but include the name of the application that created the message. In this case “My1Login Desktop Agent”.

AlertInfo "Hello from " bmTemplateName, "My1Login Desktop Message"


LogInfo / LogError

Writes a message to the desktop agent’s log file with a log level of Info or Error.

Syntax Diagram


concatenatedStringParameter (Mandatory)

The message content.

May be String (Text) Literals or Bookmark & Template Attributes.


LogInfo "Starting " bmTitle " as " bmUserName

LogError "Some error"
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