Configuring Multi Factor Authentication

Configuring Multi Factor Authentication

My1Login's MFA feature allows you to place MFA requirements on login to the vault or on specific applications when launched from the vault. We recommend using MFA on all web Admin accounts and where users are given permission to log in to My1login using their AD credentials on an off-premise/non-network joined device.

Configuring MFA on My1Login

On the Admin portal, navigate to Security | Authentication.

My1Login supports the following methods of MFA:

  1. Google Authenticator
  2. Microsoft Authenticator
  3. Universal Second Factor Authentication
  4. Duo Security

Grace Period

The grace period sets the number of days a user can skip setting up their MFA and still access their account. 

Applying MFA

Below is the table that shows the users and workgroups that can have Multi Factor added to their accounts.

  1. Select which multi factor you wish for your users to use.
  2. Find the user/workgroups you wish to add to the selected multi factor. Click on the arrow on the same row as the targeted user/workgroup
  3. “Save Changes” button to apply the settings to those users/workgroups. The next time these users log in they will be prompted to setup their multi factor authentication.
Web users can use multiple methods of MFA. AD & Entra joined users can only use one method of MFA.

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