Auto-Generate Secure Passwords
The My1Login Password Generator helps you to create random, secure passwords for your applications and automatically stores them in your vault. Strong passwords help protect you from hackers and also protect you from being 'phished' for your identities - if you don't know the password, you can't be tricked into disclosing it.
For the Password Generator to Work
- Your administrators have configured the password generator.
- The supported browsers are: Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.
- Your admin configured your permissions to set username and password.
How to:
- Launch your application from the My1Login Vault.
- In the app, go to the change password page. (This will also work if you are signing up to an application for the first time)
- The My1Login Password Generator box will appear when you click into one of the password fields. Choose any of the following options:
To accept the suggested password, click Change password for "username".
To generate a new random password, click the refresh icon.
To change the password complexity, use the controls to configure the password length, and the use of numbers and symbols in the password.
Manually type a complex password into the field
Your new password will be updated in your vault an you will be able to use these credentials for future logins.
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