Application Usage Audit

Application Usage Audit

The Application Usage Audit report contains data about the applications accessed by users in your organisation. You can use this report to see which applications are the most used in your organisation, identify shadow IT, and make decisions about applications that should be added to your inclusion/exclusion lists. 


The Application Usage Audit page can be filtered using the following parameters:

  • Username

  • Application

Running the Report

To run the Application Usage Audit report:

  1. From the Admin Console, navigate to Reports> Application Usage Audit.
  2. By default, the report will export the results from the current calendar month. You can change the date range using the fields and clicking search.
  3. You can filter the page results using Username or Application and clicking search.
  4. Click Search to view filtered results on the report page. 
  5. Click Export to CSV to see the result on the report page to download report. 

Retrieving the Report

A toast notification will let you know that your report has been added to the queue:

Another will let you know when the report has been processed:

You can either click on the Report Complete popup or navigate to Reports> Generated Reports to see your reports ready for download. Click the Download button and your report will download to a CSV file. 
If you are waiting on the Generated Reports page and your report is still showing as "Queued" you may need to refresh the page for the Download button to appear.

Reports are available for download for 30 days after creation. 

The report shows:

Field nameField description


For accounts using parent/child hierarchy this column shows the account the user belongs to. 


User's My1Login username. This can be an email address or UPN.


This will be shown as "Executed" 


Will identify if app is:

  1. Desktop
  2. Web

Name of application accessed

Date and time application was accessed
  1. Started: Desktop applications will show as "started"
  2. Success: SSO was successfully performed
  3. Failed: SSO was unsuccessful 
IP address application was accessed from

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